Olive Oil: What is it used for and what are its benefits?


Olive oil is a vegetable fat widely used in the culinary world to provide energy to the body. However, it has been given other uses, due to its multiple properties that benefit people’s health. For this reason.

If you want to know what olive oil is used for and what its benefits are, continue reading the following article, where everything good it has to give you will be detailed.

What is olive oil used for?

As mentioned above, olive oil has many uses, all of which have quite a few benefits for the body. Each of these are detailed below:

As a food and culinary complement

The main use of olive oil is as food, since it usually provides up to 9 calories per gram, which means that it is a fairly good source of energy and helps with oxygenation and the development of cell membranes in the body. Within the culinary world it is usually used as a dressing for salads and meats, as well as a complement to make mayonnaise or vinaigrettes.

Similarly, another of its most widespread uses is to fry foods in a healthier way, since it is a better alternative to common vegetable oil. It is also often used raw for certain breakfasts, such as toast, and as a food preservative.

In short, olive oil has many uses in the kitchen, which is expanding to more and more things and continues to appear in many recipes.

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As a substance for cosmetics and facial beauty

Another well-known use of olive oil is as a complement to all kinds of creams and facial care products.

It is also an essential ingredient in the manufacture of natural soaps, since it allows to moisturize the skin in a quite effective way, since it has properties that help prevent premature aging. Similarly, it is used to treat burns, since it usually relieves them and prevents scarring. 

Other uses of olive oil

There are less common uses for olive oil, among which its use as a lubricant for bicycles and hinges stands out, since its oily property is excellent for this type of use. It is also a good antioxidant, so it serves to prevent rust on metal parts. In some places, olive oil has been used as a lubricant for car engines, something that is not often seen but has a precedent in history.

Benefits of olive oil

There are many benefits that olive oil brings, many of them at the health level. These are some of the most outstanding:

  • Olive oil serves, together with a good diet, to reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps with bad breath and treat intestinal or digestion problems.
  • It is an excellent gastric protector, as it helps protect the walls of the stomach against substances such as alcohol and heavy foods.
  • It prevents arthritis and helps reduce the pain and swelling caused by this disease.
  • Extra virgin olive oil has anti-aging properties that help maintain complexion and skin in general, fresh and young, for this reason it is used as an ingredient in some beauty products.
  • It contains polyphenols, which act as antioxidant components, which have been shown to enhance the creation of new neurons, which substantially improves the cognitive functions of people.
  • It helps prevent type II diabetes, since it considerably reduces blood glucose, which benefits insulin production.
  • It is considered a type of healthy fat, which helps speed up metabolism, making it easier for you to lose weight.
  • Another advantage is that it strengthens the immune system, which helps prevent all kinds of diseases through natural mechanisms.
  • In recent years, the use of olive oil in the prevention of certain types of cancer has been studied, with the olecanthal molecule, which serves as an anti-inflammatory and has shown signs of tumor reduction in laboratories.
  • It also helps lower LDL or bad cholesterol levels and increase the good HDL.
  • In the same way, it has antibacterial properties with certain types of bacteria, which is an excellent contribution to the benefits against other evils, making it an excellent ally for your body.
  • Using olive oil in the preparation of any type of food will provide you with all the benefits mentioned above, which makes it an unconditional ally that not only serves to season and improve eating habits, but also to completely change the health of your body. .
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Still thinking of using olive oil? Don’t think about it too much! Its benefits are worth it.

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